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B.L.O.G.P.A.R.T.Y ! ! ! @ Strædet

pre-party, these letters took us like two weeks to make...


getting ready

Sjur was dressed "2depressed". we loved it!

Anna danced all the time, kudos!

hey, easy with those, sjur!

hey, Mr. DJ

Frode has a nice mustache. Frode likes movies.

Bia came by :-)

Anette (to the left) also has a blog. its called Bassopower . she is from Ålesund...

Henning is the most indiegrainforestmotherfucker out there... he is going to be a lawyer but before that he saves the kids montly with his club Moonlight Affair, and this friday it is fullmoon. auuuuuuuuuwwwwwww

P.A.R.T.Y later it spelt R A P. fun & games.

5 year olds dressing up

back 2 back 4 ever


she is working in a bank but is a singersongwriter. singersongwriters also smiles and dances to britney

party people

wtf is this?? I guess it must be a Britney song blasting... but whats up with the Kylie moves?


crew pose

Anna with her lovely dress (really a skirt) that kept falling down...

Daniel (lovely cleavage)

yeah, thats a good idea..


someone's got to clean up

Bergen was fun!

5 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...


Anonym sa...

Ser ut som om "turneen" var en suksess! skulle gjerne vært der.... hvorfor var det ikke så gøyt i Bergen før jeg flyttet derfra...


we love fashion sa...

Eg stiller neste gang. Det såg veldig gøy ut! B:)

Anonym sa...

jepp. oss vente i spenning på at døkk kjøm attende. d va æn super kveld, d kan både e å kjolen min skrive under på.

Acne Studio Bergen sa...

