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my latest crush

you know sometimes when you're searching for owls on the internet, or whatever..

yeah well, I'm kinda into falconry right now..

...or at least the gear and "fashion" that comes with it, it's almost like a killer-parrot with S&M accessories

Oh and I stole this picture from this site, not sure what the deal is but it had a lot of paintings of kids posing with different birds.. Cute.

3 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

Det står ofta mye tull og fjas og fanteri på sånne blogger, MEN:

Dette e den beste artikkelen/bloggeklumpen eg någengang har lest! Fantastisk bra Kaja!

Anonym sa...

rare �er

cxzy sa...

takk takk, det var med livet som innsats!

rare ?er ?
