*I was going to post this yesterday but fell asleep while making this compilation with some of my favorite "time-to-go-to-sleep-the-sun-is-soon-rising- and-you-have-no-curtains" tracks.
sleepless in stavanger comp.
kimya dawson - sleep
the postal service - the district sleeps alone tonight
air - kelly watch the stars
ana da silva - full moon
the knife - still light
britney spears - breathe on me(jaques lucont's thin white duke mix)
ladytron - AMTV
primal scream /w kate moss - some velvet morning
perry farrell/exene - children of night
bonfire madigan - scraps
oh well, sweet dreams/sweat stains
xoxo alenemor13
6 kommentarer:
miss pretty frida and stavanger
den funker i Oslo òg
og den britney sangen e fantastisk
me har hørt på mixen din mens me har sodde her og spilt scrabble
det er bra!
nå kommer jeg snart tilbake.
håper dere er i full sving med søknader!
you have a great taste in music. I LOVE this mixtapethingy.
glad to hear that!
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